CCL - The Coffee Collective Ltd
CCL stands for The Coffee Collective Ltd
Here you will find, what does CCL stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Coffee Collective Ltd? The Coffee Collective Ltd can be abbreviated as CCL What does CCL stand for? CCL stands for The Coffee Collective Ltd. What does The Coffee Collective Ltd mean?The based company is located in engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of CCL
- Communication Command Language file (Intalk)
- Commodity Control List
- Carnival Corporation
- Commerce Control List
- Contaminant Candidate List
- Common Command Language
- Computational Chemistry List
- Couple to Couple League
View 689 other definitions of CCL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CTDS Coastal Truck Driving School
- CMRF Canterbury Medical Research Foundation
- CPC Channel Play Corporation
- CCS Creative Construction Services
- CPIML CPI Mortars Ltd
- CCCL Cambridge Care Company Limited
- CARS Corporate Auto Resource Specialist
- CDWAL Carson Dunlop Weldon and Associates Ltd
- CG The Concord Group
- CH Cooker at Home
- CTI Combined Traders International
- CINLDS CIN Legal Data Services
- CEMC Columbia Empire Meat Co.
- CCPS Christ Church Primary School
- CFMWS Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services
- CES Canterbury Episcopal School
- CRS Critical Recording Studio